Sunday, August 21, 2011

First Day of Church

Saturday I ended up choosing not to do a blog. Not because it wasn't interesting, but I was just not up for typing! Lazy I know, I know. It was definitely a great day though Saturday with Molly still in town for part of it and Sam Allen and Ben Harrington coming out here to spend the day! Again, just another fun filled day with friends before school starts on Monday! :o
Today (Sunday) was the first time visiting a church out here! The girls and I went to Christ Church, on accident and then realized we were supposed to be at Hope Church and left! It was only accross the street, so it wasn't a big deal, but it was quite embarrassing trying to explain to the wrong person at the wrong church that we were looking for a pastor that was not located in that church! Once we finally got to Hope Church we had a wonderful service and even found out some information about their college to young adult group called THiRST! Next week we will be trying Christ Church I guess! It looked pretty cool there too and they had a whole separate contemporary service! Im way into that idea!
Once I got back, Cara, Tim and I all crashed on the couches and beds and watched TV and a movie or two! Can't really remember, but it was nice to just beable to CHILL before my first day of school (: I even skyped with Tim for a long while and got all caught up with him!!
A beautiful Sunday!
Story for the Day:
Nothing exciting enough to report! :(

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