Thursday, August 18, 2011

First Dinner with the Newly Weds

It's only 7:00 and I'm already on writing my blog! Wow I'm ahead of the game today! Score!
So, today was the boatride with my class. It was much better than yesterday! I was bummed that I couldn't sit at a table with Jaimee, Morgan, or Sam. I got to meet some pretty fun people though and found out later that they are going to be in my clinical group. It's helpful to be able to meet them before we start clinicals. We got to know each other, ate some decent food and then played 2 short games. Before the food part of our luncheon, some of the professors and administrators were coming around and getting to know the students. One of which decided he was going to ask where everyone was from at each table. When he got to me and I told him I was from the suburbs of Chicago he was shocked! I wish I could have taken a picture of his face!! He kept asking me how the heck I got all the way out to Cincinnati and just how excited he was to have me here! I was fine and he went on to the next student who talked about how she was from Cinicinnati (just like all the rest of the students here at Christ!). Apparently people from Cincinnati, STAY in Cincinnati! I don't think there are many out of state colleges that I could have chosen to go to that would be SO very surprised to have a student from another state.... Well anyways he went to the front and started talking about how happy he was that we were all here today and that there were students from all over the country! Then he looks at me... *crap*... and says, "we even have a student all the way from CHICAGO!!! WOW!!!" Then he later mentioned 2 others that were far. 3 of us?!!? That's just insane.
Afterwards I went home and was only 10 minutes late to mine and Taylor's skype date we had set up!(: I gave him a wonderful tour of my appartment and my room! It was soooo nice being able to see and talk to him again! Friendly faces always make me feel like I haven't really left and that things are going to be okay. Thanks Taylor for our wonderful conversation about anything and EVERY! Oh and for the random call as your trying to call your house! That was great as well (:
Then came my first dinner with the newly weds. We had some yummy spaghetti, garlic bread, and a caesar salad that was confused and decided it wanted to be a ranch salad. Everything was great (: Mid-dinner I am pretty sure that I witnessed the BEST disfunctional conversation EVER between Cara and Tim. Very short, but I was laughing pretty hard!
Cara: I think I need to visit the bano.
Tim: What's that?
Cara: The bathroom..
Tim: And what did you say?
Cara: Bano
Tim: What is that?
Cara: Bathroom!!
SO great! Apparently Tim was trying to ask what language it was... sure... (; Either way, I was dying!
Wonder what tonight will bring me...
Bailey Dawn
Story For the Day:
While I was in line to get food today at the luncheon I got the sweetest compliment! The lady in front of me turned to see who was behind her and 2o seconds later turns back around and is like, "darling that dress is just so cute! oohh and your shoes and all that! Aw girl you are just too cute for this boat!! Just stop it!" I was shocked! I said thank you like 5 times I think! (: She made my day!!

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