Friday, August 19, 2011

Steve Irwin vs. Orientation....

Ahh what a day (: I can feel it already, everyday for awhile is going to be an adventure! Everyday holds something new, and I just LOVE it! So this morning I woke up at 8:00 and started to attept to eat something for breakfast.. I really hate eating breakfast, but according to some I guess it's kinda important or something...? Anyways, after I ate a few cherries and started to feel sick like always after breakfast, I went back in my room and started getting ready and taking my time. I was debating if it was even worth it to go to another 6 hours of orientation. I was having a hard time thinking of good reasons to go. Once it hit about 8:30 I went back to watching tv. The Crocodile Hunter was on!! I haven't seen that in so long! It was getting close to time to leave, but I didn't want to leave Steve Irwin... I kept going back and forth, Steve Irwin or orientation.. I decided Steve Irwin was a much better option and finished the show at 9:00 (this was the time I was supposed to be at school). Then I packed up my lunch and headed out the door. Everything inside of me wanted to stay home and sleep some more, but I figured that if i stayed home they would decide to tell people the most important information of the century.... So off I went.
Orientation was not worth going to. Everything I heard was something I had already known about or something I could have easily found out about if I just went to college for a day or 2... Oh well. Just another 6 hours of my life that I will never get back.. nbd.
Afterwards I knew that I needed to get gas and that I needed to go grocery shopping. I GPS'd the closest gas station which was just a few blocks from the school. After getting some gas I headed to the Kroger grocery store that I saw on the way to the gas station. After getting slightly turned around and driving in neighborhoods I don't think I should have been in, I finally found it! Yep.. I have decided that Clifton is sketch. End of story. I will not be going to that Kroger again. Not to mention Cara would probably kill me if I did. She wasn't a fan that I went today :o Oopsies! I will say that as much as it can be dangerous out here in Cincinnati and that if I am not careful I will get hurt, I do just LOVE the change of scenery and just the beautiful mix of God's people. I was getting EXTREMELY sick of the white bread world of Crystal Lake, Il. It kind of reminds me as an exaggerated version of where I grew up in Elgin and of course my childhood will always be close to my heart. I think that is why I like it so much. (: I can definitely get used to this!
That sure wasn't the end to my adventures! I went over to Morgan and Jaimee's for dinner and Molly Harrington is down to visit us!!! It was so weird knowing it was just the 4 of us and that Jaimee and Morgan made dinner. It's such a fun feeling being off on our own! After dinner we all went to the mall, of course! We had such a fun time in Forever21(: We even picked out outfits for eachother and got a good laugh trying them all on! They sadly closed at 9:00... So of course that means we need to go to ice cream! I got some super yummy cotton candy ice cream and peach ice cream! I splurged and got 2 scoops, but it was so worth it! Yummm! We had a slight issue getting to Graeters, but with a stubborn GPS and a U-turn we finally made it! And no.. we didn't hit the minivan who seemed frightened by my Blazer.. (;
We are now all sitting in their living room, Molly is asleep, Jaimee and I are spamming Morgan's facebook wall and GetSmart is playing in the background! Did I mention they have their air conditioning on? AHHH! (ps. this isn't a normal occurance!)
I am so thankful for friends (: and so far, I just love Cincinnati!
Bailey Dawn
Story for the Day:
So while me, Jaimee, Morgan and Molly are all watching GetSmart and on our laptops, Me and Jamiee decide to spam Morgan's wall! This turns into us all commenting on every post so we all end up with about 100 notifications! Then we go to Molly's wall who is sleeping!! We didn't do too much before we came up with the grand idea to spam Taylor Stein's wall!!! He got near 300 nitifications from us! (: Love you Taylor! If any of you know him.. please go read his wall! You wont be able to get through it without laughing..

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